Warrington Housing Association’s Head of Customer Services has been selected to sit on Inside Housing’s first B.A.M.E editorial panel.

20 Aug 2020


Lorri Holding will join regular virtual meetings to help improve the housing sector magazine’s understanding and coverage of diversity in all its forms, particularly B.A.M.E matters facing those who live and work in social housing.  The panel will be working closely to develop topics and story content, closely linked to lived experiences in the UK today, we aim to work with the magazine to deliver an effective Inclusive Futures agenda. 

Lorri said: “I’m very proud to be involved with Inside Housing’s inaugural BAME editorial panel. Equality and diversity issues have too long been pushed onto the back burner, it’s hard for some to acknowledge and even more difficult for others to accept that now is the time for us to come together and actively work for long awaited change.  It’s good to know that our sector is ready to work to address the issues of BAME people and increase knowledge outside of the BAME community. I can’t wait to get started.” 

Inside Housing editor Martin Hilditch said: “As our own research has shown, there is still a significant problem with structural inequality in the housing sector. The purpose of the panel is to improve our own coverage of diversity, providing ideas for stories and research, and challenging Inside Housing and holding us accountable for delivery. 

“The 11 panel members bring a range of experience to the table, working in a variety of different roles for a mix of organisations, and I look forward to working with them to drive Inside Housing’s coverage moving forward.” 


“Thank you so much for your help in getting me set up in my new home” 

Anonymous – WHA Resident

“We’re really grateful for the excellent service we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser and the extra money has made a big difference, helping us hire a gardener and be able to go to LifeTime more often where we enjoy singing in the choir”

Mr & Mrs Holland – WHiA Customers

“I’m so grateful to Warrington Housing Association for reaching out to me to make sure I’m claiming my full benefit entitlements”

Ms Heseltine – WHA Resident

“We couldn’t have navigated the benefits system without the fantastic help we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser”

Andrew & Eileen – WHA Residents

“I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I had somebody on my side”

Barbara, WHA resident

Warrington Housing Association 

Contact Us

Tel: 01925 246810
Email: admin@wha.org.uk

Warrington Housing Association, the Gateway, 89 Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1SR
