News and Events

News & Events



As you may be aware yesterday (14th June) Prime Minister Boris Johnson that most current measures will remain in place. The limit on wedding guests will be removed from 21st June but social distancing rules must be adhered to. We have decided our office will remain closed to the public for the next 4 weeks […]


WHA’s ‘fab five’ appointments set to further support tenants in life after lockdown

Warrington Housing Association has boosted its commitment to its tenants by investing in five new roles.   To support the families, older people and people with additional support needs living in its 1,300 properties, the housing association has restructured its team to become even more customer-focused.   Fiona Evans has been named Head of Corporate Services a new […]


Spring Newsletter 2021

Welcome to the Spring edition of our newsletter, in what has been a very unusual year. Hopefully we can now see light at the end of the tunnel, with the slow ending of restrictions and a return back to some normality. Click Here to View


Debt Relief Order Changes Approved

The Insolvency Service has been conducting a review of the criteria for who is eligible for a Debt Relief Order (DRO). The results of this review have now been released and a number of changes are set to be made from the end of June 2021. A DRO is a way of dealing with your […]


EU Settlement Scheme Deadline Approaching

Now the UK is no longer part of the European Union, anyone who has moved to the UK from an EU country needs to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme, which allows eligible people to live and work in the UK whilst keeping access to certain state benefits, pensions and free NHS treatment. The deadline […]


MS Awareness Week 2021- Lets Talk MS

MS can be tough, and for many people talking about it can be challenging. Whether you’re opening up to a friend after being newly diagnosed or finding the right words to describe symptoms to an employer. Sometimes it feels easier not to say anything at all. What is MS Your immune system normally protects you […]



Stress Awareness Month has been held every April, since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic. Despite this running for 29 years there is still a long way to go. According to the mental health foundation 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some […]


“Thank you so much for your help in getting me set up in my new home” 

Anonymous – WHA Resident

“We’re really grateful for the excellent service we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser and the extra money has made a big difference, helping us hire a gardener and be able to go to LifeTime more often where we enjoy singing in the choir”

Mr & Mrs Holland – WHiA Customers

“I’m so grateful to Warrington Housing Association for reaching out to me to make sure I’m claiming my full benefit entitlements”

Ms Heseltine – WHA Resident

“We couldn’t have navigated the benefits system without the fantastic help we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser”

Andrew & Eileen – WHA Residents

“I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I had somebody on my side”

Barbara, WHA resident

Warrington Housing Association 

Contact Us

Tel: 01925 246810

Warrington Housing Association, the Gateway, 89 Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1SR
