News and Events

News & Events


Teenage apprentice happy he took the plunge – a year into his job role

This time last year Jordan Mahoney was a 16-year-old pupil, studying at St Gregory’s High School, and revising for his GCSE exams. What a difference a year makes! You may remember that Jordan secured an apprenticeship with Ashley & McDonough Ltd – our heating contractor. The teenager wanted to follow in his Grandad’s footsteps, as he […]


Celebrations as Warrington Housing Association Choose Ashley & McDonough Ltd as Gas Maintenance & Repairs Provider

The Ashley & McDonough Team are delighted to have been chosen by Warrington Housing Association to undertake the servicing and 3* maintenance of gas fired central heating systems in the Association’s homes. The contract was procured through Fusion21’s Heating Systems Framework, via direct award and began on April 1st 2019. Darren Cunningham, Chairman of Ashley […]


Good luck to the Gateway – at the Northern Housing Awards

We are delighted to announce we have been shortlisted for the Northern Housing Awards 2019 in the category of ‘Partnering Scheme of the Year’ for our entry showcasing the Gateway. The shortlisting follows our success at last year’s awards, where we were honoured as ‘Resident Support/Advice Programme of the Year’. A total of eight organisations have been shortlisted for the category of ‘Partnering […]


National Apprentice Week 2019: WHA celebrates its trio of apprentices

National Apprenticeship Week brings the apprenticeship community together to celebrate the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy. Warrington Housing Association is proud of its three apprentices – Liam, Charlotte and Amy. Here they tell us of their experiences on their two-year programme.  Liam says: “During my time at WHA I have enjoyed […]


Fashion Show Invite!

You are invited to Warrington Youth Service’s LGBTQ youth group ‘TAGS’ (Teenagers, Gender & Sexuality) fashion show & celebration event. This event is being held in conjunction with Vintage Viola to showcase the fantastic work the TAGS young people have done over the past 12 months. To help support the young people to do this […]


Universal Credit U-Turns could make Warrington residents better off

Since his December update, our Money Advice Officer Steven has seen Universal Credit experience a few U-turns which may impact our residents – and potentially make them financially better off. Here, Steven gives a round-up of the latest changes: “In the ever-changing world of Universal Credit, there are constant new cases and challenges that lead […]


Keeping you in the know on changes to the benefits system

Our Money Advice Officer – Steven – has been keeping his expert eye on the changes to the benefits system, which have just begun or will be coming into place over the next couple of months. Here he has created a summary of these changes to keep you informed. From 28 November 2018 The two […]


Teamwork bringing life changing results for a Warrington resident

Teamwork between Warrington Housing Improvement Agency (WHIA) and Warrington Council has ‘changed the life’ of a mum and her daughter thanks to adaptations in their home. Sadly, the adaptions became necessary to their Birchwood home after the daughter lost her mobility following an accident three years ago – now her mum says they both ‘have […]


“Thank you so much for your help in getting me set up in my new home” 

Anonymous – WHA Resident

“We’re really grateful for the excellent service we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser and the extra money has made a big difference, helping us hire a gardener and be able to go to LifeTime more often where we enjoy singing in the choir”

Mr & Mrs Holland – WHiA Customers

“I’m so grateful to Warrington Housing Association for reaching out to me to make sure I’m claiming my full benefit entitlements”

Ms Heseltine – WHA Resident

“We couldn’t have navigated the benefits system without the fantastic help we received from Warrington Housing Association’s Money Adviser”

Andrew & Eileen – WHA Residents

“I felt like a big weight had been lifted off my shoulders and that I had somebody on my side”

Barbara, WHA resident

Warrington Housing Association 

Contact Us

Tel: 01925 246810

Warrington Housing Association, the Gateway, 89 Sankey Street, Warrington, WA1 1SR
